Get to Know

The Journey

The Catalyst of Change

Six years ago, my life took a transformative turn when I discovered Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich." This book entered my life during my early entrepreneurial days, recommended by a prominent business leader. It coincided with a challenging period - my divorce, an event that drastically altered my financial perspective and self-identity.

A Thirst for Knowledge

This period ignited a voracious appetite for personal development. I delved into a myriad of books, podcasts, and resources, all aimed at enhancing my business acumen and personal growth. This quest for knowledge became a cornerstone of my life.

Spiritual Awakening

Remarkably, this journey also redefined my spiritual beliefs. Having embraced atheism at 15, I was skeptical about the existence of a benevolent deity amidst the world's chaos. However, the teachings of Wayne Dyer and the principles of Quantum Physics profoundly shifted my views, leading to a resurgence in my meditation and spiritual practices, albeit non-religious in nature.

Landmark Forum: A Life-Altering Experience

About a year later, my mentor suggested attending the Landmark Forum, a decision that profoundly impacted my life and relationships. This experience was not just enlightening but also led me to actively participate in coaching and volunteering within the Landmark community, aiding others in their transformative journeys.

A Health Revolution

The next phase of my evolution was a deep dive into health and wellness. Despite my efforts to maintain a healthy lifestyle, the documentary "The Game Changers" and insights on intermittent fasting from my mentor introduced me to a new paradigm. I experimented with a raw plant-based diet and intermittent fasting, navigating challenges like gallbladder surgery and stomach ulcers. These experiences taught me the importance of patience and persistence in the pursuit of health.


Today's Triumphs

Now, in my mid-50s, I'm in the best shape of my life, a testament to my dedication to fasting, healthy eating, meditation, and other wellness practices. Interestingly, even amid the COVID-19 pandemic, my robust health has been my shield (never took vaccine and refused to take it, due to belief in my health practices despite being ridiculed about it).

Vision for the Future

My current focus is achieving financial freedom and peak health. My ambition is to build a business generating nine-figure revenue and impact hundreds, if not thousands, of lives positively.

This Podcast/Youtube Channel: A Medium for Change

Through this platform, I aim to inspire and guide others in their quests for success, health, and wealth. I believe in the interdependence of health and wealth - one is incomplete without the other. If you're seeking guidance in these areas, I'm here to connect, advise, and share resources that could assist in your journey. Whether it's health advice or wealth-building strategies, feel free to reach out. Let's embark on this journey of transformation together.